
19 September 2010

Behind the Scenes: Getting Items Ready to Ship

My daughter, Laila, and I had to stay home sick from church today. While I wasn't watching Elmo's Potty Time or streaming our service online, I took advantage of the unexpected time at home by getting orders ready to ship on Monday. I took a few pictures so you can see what I'm up to about 1/4 of the time. **I put captions BELOW each picture.

In my husband's Dr. Pepper t-shirt (did I mention we are home sick?) at the kitchen table. This is my favorite part: attaching polished pieces to their respective chains, adding birthstones, boxing gift items. Very fun.

I still believe in old-fashioned, handwritten thank-you notes. :) I write one to each customer.

In the computer hutch/cave, logging on so I can print out mailing labels from my Paypal account. I've just recently started doing this rather than going to the local USPS. Though I'm sure Mr. Nik will miss seeing Laila a few times each week, I do like the fact that I only have to go to the Post Office when I have an international order. Which reminds me: I get to ship to Athens, Greece this week! I'm excited.

My girl awoke from her nap just in time to watch our service online. We sat together at the computer whilst I finished affixing labels to envelopes, being especially careful to make sure the right jewelry was packed into each envelope. One of my worst business fears is sending a piece to the wrong place. Yikes.

Packages, ready to mail and loaded into one of my favorite bags--a green canvas one with ribbon embellishments on the side pockets, purchased at a garage sale when I was about 17 years old. I love it!!

And there you have it, folks: a glimpse of what I do when I'm mailing you some jewelry. :)

1 comment:

  1. love this! i wish more people would write blog posts like this :D
